How to get your shoulder blades to rotate
So you play a musical instrument, or you play a racquet sport, and you find yourself with a tight upper back, or neck, or shoulder, or elbow, or even wrist. You wonder if the repeated shots over and over, or the hours and hours of practice over and over have finally taken their toll as various parts of the upper body start to complain.
What do you do? Stop playing?
Whenever I find myself wondering if THIS time I really should stop whatever I am doing, I then usually happen to see a 90 year old doing exactly what I want to do, and I am compelled to problem solve it out so I can continue. I would really like to blame age, but I just can’t! I would really like to blame SOMETHING other than me, but it really always boils down to wether or not I have been taking care of my muscles.
Back to work! 🙂
So then what is one possibility for this tight upper back/neck/shoulder/elbow/wrist thing?
Come check out this video, and let me know what you think, and more importantly what happened when you experimented on yourself. I look forward to hearing all about it!