Happy National Name Your Car Day!
What is the name of your car?
Ours is “Bluetiful” after the crayon of the same name.
Have you ever tried doing a handstand as a way to get into your car?
This cool lady named Dr. Kaye Cleave decided it was a great idea.
This is her idea of fun and “aging creatively”!
I tried it.
Harder than it looks. 😊
One secret: I think she also has a right hand drive car…the steering wheel gives your feet something to hook onto. 😉
If you want to do something else in the car, and have a tight upper back or neck or shoulder, watch the less than 3 minutes video above.
It is designed to help loosen things up on while you are on the move!
Here’s to loose necks and having fun with your car, balance, strength, and happiness!
😊 Laura
P.S. Here is the full handstand video in case you want to see the action sequence: