Are you suffering from too many Zoom-meeting-itis? Is your body complaining mightily from the quantity of sitting in front of a screen?
I totally hear you!
So, here’s what I have noticed….
If you are on a virtual meeting and sitting in a chair, your fellow meeting attendees can see mostly your head and shoulders.
Ever tried sliding onto your knees to open up the front of your hips, give your back a rest, and gently stretch the fronts of your quads?

Grab a pillow or a yoga mat to give your knees some cushion, and *poof* slide out of your chair onto the floor.
No one on the meeting will be the wiser as they can still see your head and shoulders!
Next, if you are sitting, try pushing your heel into the ground one at a time until your leg is extended, and then dig your heel in and draaaaaagggg it back.
This will activate the hamstrings!

If you are unclear about how to do either, watch the video below for a quick demonstration. Let me know in the comments below how you like kneeling through meetings! (I’ll bet you like it more than you might think 🙂