Whenever I see a fantastic set of stairs I don’t sigh, I celebrate! My mind starts imagining all the fun workout things you could do on them…
Do you have access to a few (or a bunch of) stairs, indoors or out? Instead of dreading the climb, watch the video below to see what you can do for a zinger of a workout in a very short amount of time.
I much prefer to be outdoors if at all possible when I workout, so I would rather be on this grand staircase, but any and all will do!
This workout is comprised of 10 moves. In order to be most efficient, you have an “up” exercise, and then when you get to the top of the staircase, a paired “down” exercise.
Here is the lineup, and you will do each pair three times. There is magic in 3’s! 🙂
1. Stair Crab/Bear Crawl
2. Karaoke/ Grapevine
3. Frog Hop/Squat Hop
4. Crab Walk/Backwards eyes closed
5. Walk backwards up/Forwards eyes closed
6. Bear crawl backwards
The video below will showcase the exercise, and then it is up to you to execute the exercise groups three times before you move on. Of course if you don’t feel comfortable doing one of them, feel free to make your own variation.
Let me know in the comments below how you liked the variety of things you can do with just a simple set of stairs…
Be safe, and healthy, and happy…and go find some stairs!