Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate and Happy Brownie Day for the rest of you!
Well, it is funny to me that I was just writing about if I had a dollar for every time I heard, “If I could just put my socks on without back pain”…
Because today I heard it again!
In this case, this client also presented me with another big issue: ridiculously tight insides of thighs.
The photos above of Mr. Smiley 🙂 show you what a really tight insides of the thigh looks like.
So, if this is also your problem or additionally your problem…then we need some additional strategies.
Can you cross your foot onto your knee, or will your knee stick straight up into the air?
There are two things happening: the insides of the thighs are tight, and the femur isn’t rotating in the socket very well.
The insides of the thighs are a group of 5 big powerful muscles, and it is important to keep them under control.
If they dominate the leg, they can grab the femur and twist it in, giving you the appearance of having what I call “eggbeater on land” knees.
Not a good look, and the knees really don’t like to twist like that.
Try the exercise here https://youtu.be/yiJrGstbHnU for a way to get them to calm down and make it more possible to cross your foot on your knee.
Then you can go after what we talked about on Wednesday and get the rotation in the femur or upper leg bone working again.
Here’s to an amazing FRiYAY and here we gooooo into the holiday season, so keep after your balance, strength, and happiness!
🙂 Laura