Happy Ground Hog Day and Spunky Old Broads Day!
Here is another person I want to be when I grow up.
Meet Juanita.
She would be 91 tomorrow, and she and I worked out every other week for easily 15 years.
She called it “old car maintenance” and on alternate weeks would get a massage with the fabulous Kim Dewey (heartsongmassage.com if you’re in the Portland area).
She volunteered at the zoo in the horticulture department, gardened up a storm and volunteered on her homeowners board for the green spaces, and taught me the art of diplomacy via her homemade biscotti.
She rarely went to a meeting, had anyone work on a task, trim a tree, or anything else without first offering up her homemade biscotti with a very, very infectious smile.
In four different flavors no less.
Guess what?
She always got whatever she wanted accomplished. 😊
She was a trooper, even when her gigantic heart started to give out on her from loving the world via biscotti so much.
She even worked out with her oxygen tubes in her nose as long as she possibly could.
She loved the foam roller on the floor, and rolled out her quads and armpits whenever I asked her.
Her shoulders were back and level and she exuded confidence because she insisted on moving and taking care of herself right up until the end.
A live worth living, and she did it with grace and generosity and so beautifully.
I hope you value yourself as much as my wonderful friend Juanita did!
Take care of yourself this lovely Groundhog Day, and happy Spunky Old Broads Day like my friend Juanita!
Here’s to balance, strength, and happiness,
😊 Laura