Ever used a tennis ball to help a trigger point in the back of the hip? Specifically the booty?
Really what I am asking here is: do you have a pain in the booty?
Have you ever found yourself digging your fingers into the center of the back of the hip? It feels like there is a screwdriver lodged in there, and you can pinpoint the spot…right in the center of the booty. That is your glute actually!
The screwdriver feeling is the attachment of the gluteus medius muscle. One of the the jobs of the gluteus medius muscle is to internally rotate the femur.
Anybody ever comment on your “knock knees”?
This exercise is for you! If your knees roll in when you walk, or your whole upper leg collapses inwards, you have really strong internal rotators. You need to balance that out with equally strong external rotators.
This is one way to do it!
All you need is a tennis ball, and you lie on your back with your knees bent, and jam that tennis ball into the back of the hip. You are looking for a tight spot, which usually isn’t too hard to find. Then you let your leg fall to the side, and while you do this, you try and consciously contract the glute max.
Tricky, but possible.
Watch the video below to see the exercise in action, and let me know in the comments below if it took the pressure off that screwdriver!