Here is my late cousin John Harris using his powerful lungs to belt out a song at our wedding! He was a terrific singer, but what if you don’t even like to sing?
What can you do to help out your respiratory system?
Exactly what can you do to help get your lungs stronger and more prepared for a respiratory illness such as COVID-19?
Well, a doctor from Queen’s Hospital in London has a certain technique that he and the head of nurses noticed helped with patients.
The beauty about it is that it’s quite simple:
5 deep breaths in holding for a count of 5
On the 6th deep breath, cover your mouth and cough hard from the bottom of your lungs as your exhale.
Repeat two times!
Then, for the next 10 minutes, lie on your stomach on a pillow and take deeper than normal breaths.
The idea is to shake loose the mucus that can collect at the bottom of the lungs and make it available to cough up and out of your system.
If you lie on your back, you can restrict the littler airways and worsen your condition, and/or definitely put it in a less-than-optimal condition.
I made a quick video about it here, so watch it and let me know if you’ve tried ir or other techniques that you like better or that feel more oxygenating.
P.S. You may inhale and exhale however you’d like: either nose or mouth. (I got all excited making the video and use my shoulders and open my mouth as if more air could come in that way- forget that part! 🙂