I have noticed lots of walkers out and about with their dogs and kids…and this leads me to believe that more walking here there and everywhere may be contributing to another global trend…. Namely, the fe
So you’re stuck at home. Gym is closed for the foreseeable future. You meant to get a something to workout with at home, but never got around to it. When you look at your options, you see a weight or two, and your r
After a long week of commuting, typing away on your computer, endless clicks on your mouse, or even gaming some people find themselves with tight and sore wrists, fingers, and forearms. Did you know it doesn’t have
Have you ever found yourself wandering through the forest wishing you could enjoy the scenery, but you’ve got this pesky sore neck thing happening. Or, you could be at work in front of your computer, and the same th
How to stretch your adductors aka inside of thigh to help your low back Does the inside of your knee ever hurt? Does your low back ever ache? Do your legs ever feel tight like you’ve been riding a horse all da
How to “do cryotherapy” Once upon a time I was in college and found out that shivering burned 60 calories a minute. I immediately turned to my best friend Janell in class and said, “Let’s open a shiver c
Feeling low energy or a bit of a scratchy throat after the holidays? There are three big things you can do to help this! 1. Stop with the sugar, in all forms. The carbs, the alcohol, and even the crackers. Please ea
Percussion Therapy Gun: a last minute gift idea Check out the latest in percussion therapy – the Opove G3 Pro Massage Gun. There are lots of these devices out there- made by Hyperice ( think of the compact gre
What’s the fastest way to get into shape? Meet Pete. Pete is an old friend of mine, and loves to play soccer. He wanted to get back into shape, and research shows that intervals for your cardio is the most efficient